If you would like to feature in our journal or have Dr Houda write a guest post on your blog or appear in your podcast, please contact us by email.

Good news for west London: Dr Houda will be offering clinics there soon!
Good news for west London! Soon Dr Houda will be able to see patients in Chiswich at The Door W4 as well as Harley Street. This way, if you’re from West London, you don’t need to worry about parking or congestion charges near Harley Street. Services offered here are the same as Harley Street plus…

The pollen is torturing London! How to limit Hayfever symptoms and enjoy Spring
If you’ve been out and about in London over the bank holiday like me, you’ve probably noticed the pollen attack on this glorious spring bank holiday. We are blessed to live in a city, surrounded by greenery. I have written a blog post on my website examining the plentiful research evidence for the benefits of…

Top 5 healthy Ramadan tips- How to stay healthy and not gain weight whilst fasting?
Happy Ramadan to all thsoe who are doing it. It’s Dr Houda here, so of course I’m going to talk about how to do it healthily! ☪️ Plan your meals: You have 2 meals 🍽 Iftar and Suhour/Sahari: Make them both healthy and balanced. Don’t overeat at Iftar and skip or not wake up for…

April is stress awareness month, here are some tips on how to relieve stress!
April is stress awareness month, for which I have written an article for Marie Claire magazine on chronic stress. This is a dangerous state where stress becomes accepted as a way of life. Relaxation, the antidote to stress is definitely one of the pillars of health that is often overlooked.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ There’s plenty of evidence on…

Top 5 Health Screenings for Women Over 50!
As we age, there are essential health screenings that should be done at least once a year, if not more often. Proactively checking your body is a key to living a full life with a good bill of health. Prevention and early detection are vital to controlling potentially life-threatening illnesses. It is especially important to…

How can the modern city girl leverage medical advances to preserve her fertility, beauty and health?
If you are considering any of the following: Cosmetic procedure Freezing eggs HRT Epidural or C section Therapy Then congratulations! You are a modern progressive woman who makes good use of science and medicine to enhance her quality of life and is proactive about her health. Do not let anyone shame or guilt you about…

How smart city people use nature to enhance their health and wellbeing
You must have heard that nature is good for your health, both physical and mental. However, here we explore, what evidence is there to support that? How does city living relate to that and what can be done? What factors do you need to consider as an individual to benefit your mental health using nature…

Top 10 smoking cessation tips for city girls
This is a post for sexy city girls who do not wish to ruin their health, their looks and their motherhood potential with tobacco. The 31st of May is the World No Tobacco day, why not use it as an opportunity to stop smoking! Here I am going to give you 10 tips on how!…

Coaching and Counselling, what’s the difference and which one do I need?
It’s the last day of Mental Health Week in the UK! We should all by now know how important our mental health is. Now the question is how to tackle it? If you have decided on getting professional help, where would you start? You have heard of coaching, counselling, CBT, therapies of all types. What…

Tired of taking painkillers? Here are ten tips for easing chronic pain without them!
Betrayal is painful, especially when it comes from those who are meant to be close to you and you trust them to be responsible to protect you or at least not let you down. Imagine being betrayed by your own immune system as is the case in autoimmune diseases. In this blog post, Dr Houda…

City Girl, Head to Toe! In 2020, healthy is fabulous, glamorous and sexy…
Welcome to the first City Girl post! It always amuses me how womens’ health is often used as an interchangeable word for gynaecology even within the medical profession! In reality we are not our umh female organs lets say… No wonder we tend to associate it with smears, mammograms and all sort of scary things,…

7 reasons why men die earlier than women, beyond COVID-19
Men die earlier, Dr Ounnas a Harley Street and NHS GP examines the reasons and what can be done? There is no doubt whatsoever that our lives post COVID-19 will never be the same again. The novel virus has certainly invited us to reflect on life in general and forced us to examine and revisit…