The pollen is torturing London! How to limit Hayfever symptoms and enjoy Spring
If you’ve been out and about in London over the bank holiday like me, you’ve probably noticed the pollen attack on this glorious spring bank holiday. We are blessed to live in a city, surrounded by greenery. I have written a blog post on my website examining the plentiful research evidence for the benefits of nature in urban living.
It’s all fun, until comes Allergic Rhinitis “Hayfever”. The season, normally starts in March, but every sufferer knows it can be unpredictable and often exacerbated by days like today.
So, here is what you can do to enjoy the Spring season without the Allergic Rhinitis symptoms:
1️⃣ Wear a mask 😷! This is of double benefit, protection from Covid and the Pollen
2️⃣ If you have itchy eyes, and provided they are definitely caused by the allergic rhinitis, and you have checked with your doctor or optician, there’s no other cause, you can use Sodium Cromiglocate eye drops, available over the counter.
3️⃣ If your nose👃 instead is involved, and provided there are no contraindications, you can use steroid nasal sprays. Some are available over the counter. If they are not sufficient, you can get the prescription only stronger ones.
4️⃣ If you are unfortunate enough that both your eyes and nose get involved, you might wish to consider antihistamines. Be careful with driving as some of them are drowsy. Also, they might not be the greatest idea, if you are in the third trimester of pregnancy.
5️⃣ If the Hayfever, is aggressive enough to provoke your Asthma (They are inherited together through the Atopy gene 🧬, so if you have one, it’s usually only a matter of time and environmental factors, to develop the other) If the Asthma is provoked, please see a doctor and ensure you have sufficient inhalers.
6️⃣ If the Allergic Rhinitis is so aggressive and the over the counter or even prescription drugs are not sufficient, you might wish to consider anti-Hayfever injections, that can cover you for most of the season. You will need to consult a doctor for this.
If you suffer with Hayfever, share with us please in the comments, what you found helpful. Thank you,
Stay healthy, xoxo Dr Houda