الفحص الشامل للرجل
الفحوصات الشاملة
This is a discrete, confidential and efficient service for the discserning city gent who values all aspects of his health. It includes the following:
Cardiovascular risk assssment
Cardiovascular tests
Well Man check (Testicular/Prostate Health depending on age and indications)
STD screen
Blood tests for immunity (Especially given what we know now about possible weaker male immunity against respiratory viruses)
Mental Health Assessment
Referrals to specialists and further investigations if needed.
Option to add "Essential bloods" for general health if desired.

Men tend to die earlier than women, mostly of preventable causes. We designed this HA to address most of these preventable causes in one appointment. We know men tend to avoid doctors, so we make it a single comprehensive assessment and we include things you would not normally come see us about such as mental health. The appointment is one hour long, we hope this helps you build a rapport with the doctor whilst talking about cardiovascular health and immunity, so any further conversations are carried out easier with a doctor you have already warmed up to.